As good as the episode was, one can't help but feel that the writers of the show are having a little fun at the expense of the fans. I'm referring, of course, to the fact that it was once again implied that the survivors of Oceanic flight 815 were not survivors at all and that they are all as dead as Julius Caesar.
The theory that the island is really purgatory, limbo or hell has been around just about as long as the show itself. While fans of the show would love to be given some answers, there is no way "it's a little hot for heaven" is anything other than a red herring.
To prove that point, Pop Culture A.D.D. is proud to offer the following list of reasons why Lost can't possibly be set in Hell:
In Hell, Anna Lucia would be alive and annoying the crap out of me.

In Hell, the days don't resemble a Hawaiian golf getaway.
In Hell, you don't get to drive around in a VW van like this one.

In Hell, ain't no way the women look like this.

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