2. The ending came as a genuine surprise. Leading into the final act, there were five or six plausible endings I could see happening. After I discounted the endings I subconsciously yearned for -- involving monkey butlers, monkey hobos, ghost pirates, pirate ghosts and Colin Ferrell making an appearance to bonk a midget over the head, ala In Bruges -- I figured I had the possible endings narrowed down to two. Thankfully, I was proven the fool and the ending was unexpected. Sadly, there wasn't a monkey, hobo, ghost, pirate or Irishman to be seen.

1. The trailer for Public Enemies. Duplicity was a good-but-not-great movie. Clive Owen was Clive Owen. It was novel to see espionage based in the world of saving the world from baldness, as opposed to saving the world from mutually-assured destruction. That being said, the best thing about the movie was seeing the trailer for Public Enemies. Christian Bale? Johnny Depp? Michael Mann? Feds vs. old-school gangsters? Sign. Me. The. Fuck. Up.

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