70th Anniversary Variant Cover by MARKO DJURDJEVIC
Danny Rand is the Immortal Iron Fist. He has thwarted Hydra assassins...foiled a vicious plot to destroy his mystical city of K’un-Lun...fought in an interdimensional kung fu tournament...escaped the unstoppable beast that killed all other Iron Fists before him...and survived a trip into Hell itself. But will he make it through the fall of the House of Rand? Don’t miss this landmark FINAL ISSUE of the critically acclaimed, fan-beloved IMMORTAL IRON FIST.40 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99
The first thing I'd like to point out is the price. While many of Marvel's titles have made the leap from $2.99 to $3.99 while remaining at 32 pages, at least this issue of Iron Fist is a hefty 40 pages. Here's how Marvel's pricing strategy breaks down:
$2.99 for 32 pages = High-fivin', longbox-fillin' good times.
$3.99 for 40 pages = Special feelin', cherry-on-top good times.
$3.99 for 32 pages = Pull-list droppin', baby-Jesus-cryin' bad times.
The math really is pretty simple.
Marvel's Machiavellian Money-Making Machinations™ aside, the real (metaphorical) kick to the groin was the possibility of Marvel pulling the plug on our beloved Iron Fist. However, things may not be as bleak as first feared. Since the solicitations were first posted, Marvel has since removed the reference to it being a final issue and both current writer Duane Swierczynski and former scribe (and geek God) Ed Brubaker popped up online to say it was just a typo / misunderstanding.
Chances are, it was just a little trick pulled by Marvel EIC Joe Quesada to help boost sales and increase the book's profile. Obviously, at least the second half of his possible plan worked, as here I am, writing about his company's June solicitations instead of doing something productive like playing Rock Band 2 or having a contented nap after reading Walt Simonson's Thor.
However, if it wasn't a publicity stunt and The Immortal Iron Fist is headed for pop culture heaven along with Air Wolf, Duck Tales and C-3PO cereal, it is indeed a sad day. That being said, there are a handful of reasons why the cancellation of Iron Fist could be a good thing...
Pop Culture A.D.D. is proud to present the top-five reasons why Marvel should cancel Iron Fist:
5. To relauch a new Power Man & Iron Fist title... because seriously, in these times of economic turmoil and uncertainly, the world just needs it.

4. To hand that book or any other book or the entire damn Marvel portfolio back to Ed Brubaker and let him decide on the direction of the book. Brubaker is leaving Daredevil, which will put an end to one of the best eras the book has ever seen. Between his work in the Marvel Universe on D.D. and Captain America and his work on Criminal and Incognito for Icon, I think Brubaker has earned the chance to take control of Marvel for a while. If he wants to write Iron Fist, let him. If he wants to get Matt Fraction, Dan Slott, Jeff Parker, Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente together in a room and re-write the entire Marvel Universe, I'm fine with that too. Sorry, Brian Michael Bendis, your time is up.

3. To relauch the title as Iron Fist & The Immortal Weapons. Seriously, those guys kick unholy amounts of ass. Start with Iron Fist. Add Bride of Nine Spiders, Dog Brother #1, Fat Cobra, Prince of Orphans, and Tiger's Beautiful Daughter. The result? The best super-team since old-school Alpha Flight.

2. To put the book on hiatus just long enough to get Brubaker, Fraction and Swierczynski together to hammer out a script for Iron Fist: The Seven Capital Cities of Heaven -- the movie. If there is a God, He or She would no doubt appreciate humankind creating something so wonderful and beautiful.

1. Because Marvel doesn't like making money, fans, or awesome things.

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