With that in mind, we’re proud to present Pop Culture A.D.D.’s first installment of Random Things You Maybe Didn’t Know Were Awesome But Totally Are:
Better Off Ted (TV)

Admittedly, it might be a bit early to judge just how good Better Off Ted really is, as it’s only three episodes in to what will be a long, slightly successful run. Smart, zany and tempered with charm, Better Off Ted hits some of the same notes as shows like 30 Rock and Andy Richter Controls the Universe. Sadly, the latter got axed, so who knows what the future holds for Better Off Ted. Thanks for ruining TV, Survivor and Two and a Half Men.
Hasbro’s Marvel Super Hero Squad (Toys)

Fact: Geeks like to collect geeky things. Fact: There’s only so much room on your desk. Fact: Two-inch-tall Marvel super heroes are awesome. Fact: Apparently, even Iron Man (who wears a full helmet) and Ghost Rider (who doesn’t have lips) can smile.
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay: A Novel (Books)
While most comic book fans have probably already read or at least heard of Michael Chabon’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel from 2000, some other geeks may have missed it. No matter what part of the geek world you call home, Chabon’s tale of wonder, heartache and heartbreak during the comic industry’s Golden Age is worth the read. (Warning: It is so well written and Chabon’s command of the English language is so magnificent, it will make you feel stupid. Really stupid. Like you just watched Weekend at Bernie’s three-times-in-a-row stupid.)
New Episodes of The Simpsons (TV)

I know it’s cool for the geek literati to mock The Simpsons these days, claiming nothing funny or clever or worthwhile has happened to Homer & Co. since Season Eight. However, that simply isn’t the case. For example, you need only check out last week’s episode for this little (possibly paraphrased) gem of an exchange:
Store clerk: “The last time I checked, pirates weren’t gay.”
Homer: “Eww. How did you check?”
The Wire (DVD)

You may have read that The Wire was awesome. You may have heard that The Wire is awesome. You may be sick and tired of people talking about how awesome it is. However, until every last person in North America has witnessed the glory of The Wire first-hand, don’t expect to stop having it recommended to you. It may take up 60 hours of your life to plough through all five seasons, but it is worth every second. (Warning: You might not understand what the fuck half the characters are saying at first, but stick with it and you’ll be rewarded with a The Godfather-meets-Shakespeare-meets-Oz-meets-Boyz N the Hood level of awesomeness.)
Banana Sunday (Comics)

Fans of Marvel comics might recognize Banana Sunday artist Colleen Coover’s work from back-up features in kid-friendly Marvel titles like Power Pack or X-Men First Class. Fans of ultra-cute lesbian “girly porno” might recognize her work from Small Favors. Anything she draws is sure to bring a smile to your face, but to really crank up the amperage on your smile, check out her four-issue Banana Sunday series with writer Root Nibot. It’s about monkeys… smart, love-sick, narcoleptic monkeys.
Arrested Development: The Movie (Movies)

Just the thought of being able to spend time with Michael, George Michael, Lucille, George Sr., Buster, Gob, Lindsay, Tobias, Maeby, Oscar, Barry, Bob, Lucille 2, Carl, Ann, J. Walter, Ron Howard and Franklin has me downright giddy. This movie simply can’t start rolling soon enough. If you missed the TV show, the DVDs can be had on the cheap and are simply lousy with awesomeness.
Top Gear (TV)
Even if you aren’t necessarily into cars, you owe it to yourself to track down a few episodes of Top Gear. Although technically a car show, Top Gear is equal parts travelogue, comedy, celebrity showcase and Jackass-style shenanigans. Co-hosts Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May could host any show in the world and make it enjoyable – and that’s before you factor in the unadulterated awesomeness that is The Stig.
Planet Earth (Blu-Ray)

The real planet earth is awesome but can be a pretty expensive and dangerous place – especially when you want to see how amazing snow leopards are. Thankfully, BBC’s Planet Earth on Blu-Ray can be had for $60 or so, enjoyed from the comfort and safety on your own home and might even be more beautiful than the real thing.
Secret Invasion: Thor #1 – 3 (Comics)

Marvel’s attempt at resurrecting Alpha Flight as Omega Flight with Beta Ray Bill on the roster was disastrous. Seriously, it made me want to cry – although nothing could make me cry as much as the new Guardian cried in that series. Jesus, Guardian, man up. However, Secret Invasion: Thor was just as awesome as Omega Flight was lame. How awesome, you ask? Thor-and-Beta-Ray-Bill-dropping-Asgard-on-a-villain’s-head awesome, that’s how awesome.
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