As much as we gave Entertainment Weekly and their lame “20 All-Time Coolest Heroes in Pop Culture” list a hard time in yesterday’s post, we have to hand it to them; they can still break the occasional ultra-cool story. Case in point: In Michael Ausiello’s aptly-named column, The Ausiello Files, the author spilled the (unconfirmed) beans on some pretty intriguing Lost casting news. (So, we take you back, Entertainment Weekly. You had us at “Entertainment”.)
Specifically, the wife-beating Paul from Dexter is going to be the shack-haunting Jacob from Lost. Even more specifically, actor Mark Pellegrino, who is perhaps best known in pop culture circles as Paul Bennett, the now-deceased ex-husband of on-again-off-again Dexter love interest Rita Bennett, is going to be playing Jacob in a flashback during the Lost season finale.

For fans of Lost, any news concerning the show is big news, especially as we count down to the show’s final, sure-to-rock-our-socks-off season. However, given the mysterious nature of the Jacob character, this news is like a 9-volt battery to the tongue of any true Lost fan.
To celebrate the unknown awesomeness that lies ahead, Pop Culture A.D.D. is proud to present the Top-Five Reasons Why Mark Pellegrino’s Casting is Awesome:
5. Lost = Awesome. Dexter = Awesome. Lost + Dexter = Awesome².
It’s the new math. (If only the writers of Lost could bring in Dexter’s Debra Morgan (Jennifer Carpenter) to start dropping f-bombs when things get crazy. It would add a touch of welcome realism to have her say “What the fuck, Ben?” when things go south for the castaways.
4. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. It’s coming. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeek!
That is a fairly direct quote – right down to the girly squeal of delight – of what my brain says whenever I think of how quickly this year’s season finale and the entire final season of Lost is approaching. (So. Many. Questions. To. Answer.) The latest casting news just makes it all the more real.
3. Pellegrino can play unhinged and play it well.
You know what there is not enough of on Lost? Crazy people. Personally, I don’t think you hire Mark Pellegrino if you’re going to write Jacob as a totally stable, well-reasoned type of cat. This bodes well for potential all-crazy showdowns in the future (or past, or some kind of weird present where the past and future collide).
2. Daniel Faraday needs a Moby Dick to his Captain Ahab.
Obviously, this is purely speculative… but there is way more to Faraday than his Beatles mop-top and aw-shucks demeanor would imply, right? Well, beyond the crazy things we already know, that is. It seems most characters on Lost have a good foil or counter-point. Jack (science) has Locke (faith). Ben (douche-baggery) has Charles Widmore (rampant douche-baggery). It just makes sense that Faraday has a formidable foe to tangle with.

1. Jacob is a bad-ass. More bad-assery on Lost is a good thing.
Here are a few things we may-or-may-not potentially, possibly know about Jacob:
· He is / was /may become the leader of The Others.
· He orders / ordered / may order Ben Linus around.
· He can / did / may scare John Locke.
· He likes / liked / may like to hang around dead people.
· He lives /lived /may someday live in the shrieking shack.
Now, answer truthfully: Do you or do you not want to know more about that guy?
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