Thursday, April 9, 2009

Obama Chia: Funny, Insensitive, Awesome or All of the Above?

Without a doubt, some people will think the new Obama Chia is funny; some people will think it is racially or culturally insensitive; and some people will think it is awesome.

America: One step forward, two steps back.
As a Canadian, I admit to being a little bit jealous of it too. It’s not like I can walk into my local Real Canadian Superstore (not a made-up name) and buy a Chia Pet resembling Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper. Then again, his hockey-helmet hairdo doesn’t exactly conjure images of lush chia sprouts. Oh well, maybe someday they’ll make a Harper Chia with little stringy white alfalfa sprouts I can comb into a Harper helmet.

He's even less interesting in real life than this picture would lead you to believe. Hey, Obama, spare some charisma?
In the meantime, please know that the Chia Obama is available in both “happy” and “determined” (pictures) versions and that, my friends, is awesome.

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